

100% of fiber from sustainably managed forests or recovered fiber while safeguarding forests, 流域与生物多样性
Conserve and restore 1 million acres of ecologically significant forestland

We are committed to leading forest stewardship efforts globally, because it’s the right thing to do.

International 纸’s success depends on the sustainability of forests – and so does the future of our planet. We are steadfast in our commitment to lead forest stewardship efforts globally. 十大正规网赌游戏平台的承诺也是十大正规网赌游戏平台气候行动战略的核心.

健康的 forests provide clean air and water, nurture biodiversity, and 1.全世界有60亿人依靠它们维持生计. 因为纸制品的创造始于森林, we are committed to using only fiber from sustainably managed forests, 还有回收的纤维, 来制造十大正规网赌游戏平台的产品. 超越十大正规网赌游戏平台的供应链, we are committed to collaborating with others to conserve and restore ecologically significant forests around the world.

International 纸’s Global Fiber Procurement Policy is the foundation of our commitment to healthy and 丰富的森林. We recognize that sustainably managed forests maintain and enhance economic, social and environmental value for the benefit of present and future generations. We are committed to producing the products our customers need while being a responsible steward of the world’s natural resources.

十大正规网赌游戏平台的方法从负责任的纤维采购开始, 包括进行尽职调查, 验证的起源, performing second party verification through ForSite™ and engaging our wood suppliers and forestland owners on sustainable management practices. We operate a transparent fiber procurement system consistent with our Core Values of Safety, 道德与管理. 

十大正规网赌游戏平台也使用第三方认证系统, 包括森林管理委员会™(FSC™), 森林认证认可计划™(PEFC), and Sustainable 森林ry Initiative® (SFI®) to verify sourcing from sustainably managed forests and to provide certified products based on customer demand. 



79% of fiber sourced in 2022 is verified as derived from a sustainably managed forest or is third-party certified to a forest management standard such as FSC®, PEFC™, SFI®或回收材料. 其中34%是第三方认证(FSC 4%, SFI/PEFC 30%). 

The remaining 21% of fiber volume complies with International 纸 ’s Global Fiber Procurement Policy; we will continue to increase verification efforts toward our Vision 2030 goal.




We recognize the importance of strategic collaboration to make meaningful progress across our value chain.

  • 美国鸟类保护协会

    美国鸟类保护协会 is dedicated to conserving wild birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. 强调取得成果和合作伙伴关系, 美国广播十大正规网赌游戏平台讲述了当今鸟类面临的最大问题, innovating and building on rapid advancements in science to halt extinctions, 保护栖息地, 消除威胁,建设保护鸟类的能力. International 纸 partners with the 美国鸟类保护协会 to provide critical habitat conditions for at-risk bird species by engaging our fiber supply teams, 林业专家, 木材供应商和土地所有者在十大正规网赌游戏平台的工厂盆地在美国.S. 南. 十大正规网赌游戏平台的倡议包括鸟类调查, 学术研究合作, implementation of bird-friendly forest management practices and workshops with consortia of landowners, 保护组织和社区合作伙伴. 查看更多.

  • 家庭森林碳计划

    We joined American 森林 Foundation (AFF) and 大自然保护协会 (TNC) in supporting the 家庭森林碳计划 to enhance carbon sequestration in family owned forestland across the U.S. 家庭拥有这个国家所有森林的最大部分, and this program represents a new approach to climate change mitigation that taps into the carbon storage potential of family-owned forestland while creating a new market and source of income for the families that dedicate time and effort to their forest management.  

  • 国家鱼类和野生动物基金会(NFWF)

    2013年推出, the 森林land Stewards Partnership (FSP) between International 纸 and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) catalyze targeted investments that benefit wildlife, 人类与地球. 现在进入了第二个十年, FSP has funded 156 projects across twelve states that will restore, 增强或保护大于1.2 million acres of forest habitat once all projects are completed. In 2022, IP宣布续约5年, committing $10 million for wildlife and working forest conservation. 

  • 大自然保护协会

    We are collaborating with 大自然保护协会 on the development of natural climate solutions, 保护, restoration and improved forest management techniques that increase carbon storage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in managed forest landscapes. Our collaboration supports their Reduced-Impact Logging for Carbon (RIL-C) initiative in Gabon and Indonesia, where they are developing a set of scientific practices that balance the economic needs of forest-based communities with environmental goals.

  • 世界自然基金会(WWF)

    International 纸 is one of the first five companies in the United States to join WWF’s 森林s Forward program. This global program engages with companies and other stakeholders around the globe to deliver effective nature-based strategies for forests that help achieve their business and sustainability goals.